Favorite Ruby gems

A list of my favorite Ruby gems, mostly for Rails projects.

Dec 6, 2020 2 min read
  1. flipper - release new features behind a feature flag
  2. sidekiq + sidekiq-cron - async jobs + scheduled jobs
  3. turbo-rails + Stimulus (JS) + TailwindCSS (CSS) - better than a JS framework like React for smaller teams, with rapid iteration and a snappy-enough web app.
  4. view_component - framework for reusable and testable view components in Rails, inspired by React
  5. brakeman + bundler-audit + ruby_audit - CI audit tools to create a CI audit/scan job that scans your code for vulnerabilities
  6. blazer - use SQL to make dashboard and event alerts, instead of building internal dashboards.
  7. annotate - annotate Rails models with db schema info
  8. counter_culture - turbo-charged counter caches for Rails
  9. stripe + money-rails / money - for payments
  10. premailer - inline CSS for mailers
  11. rack-attack - middleware for throttling and blocking
  12. better_errors - better debugging
  13. sitemap_generator - generate sitemaps for search engines
  14. attr_encrypted - attr_accessors that transparently encrypt and decrypt attributes
  15. geocoder - geocode / lookup location of visitors using various API’s like ipstack
  16. pagy - pagination
  17. vcr - record and replay interactions with external API’s, like Stripe, in your test suite
  18. faker - generate fake data for tests
  19. devise + auth_trail + recaptcha - authentication + (suspicious) login tracking + block bots using recaptcha
  20. pundit or cancancan - authorization
  21. pg + pghero + activerecord-import - PosgreSQL + performance dashboard + bulk insert


  1. rubocop + rubocop-performance + rubocop-rails - lint everything! Set NewCops: enable. Use auto-correct for quick formatting in a VS Code task + keyboard shortcut "command": "bundle exec rubocop -A ${relativeFile}"
  2. erb_lint
  3. i18n-tasks - autoformat and prune i18n translations
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